weekly predictions 2

weekly predictions

Weekly Predictions for the month of JUNE 23.6.2019-30.6.2019

Our weekly predictions are based mainly on the moon. The rest of the major planets are also taken in to consideration. 


The debilitation of mars for this sign generally effects the overall personality of the native. Family, money matters will be good. There will be family gatherings, happiness, occasions, inflow of money and gain of inheritance. There will be misunderstandings with the siblings, lot of effort regarding work, change of place with a change of job is seen. Parents health will be a cause of concern. Land dealings, paper work, documentation should be done carefully.Lovers will lack communication and need a lot of effort to keep up the relationship. Children need to focus on their education.Relationship with the spouse will suffer and ill health of the wife will also be a cause of concern. Work related issues, change of job,   tensions will be there. Long distance travelling will be beneficial.


This week will be good.Health will be good, Eye related issues, speech related issues will be persistent.A little disturbance will be seen at home front. Miscommunications, fights and arguments among siblings will be there.Mothers health will be a cause of concern. Children need to work hard for their competitive examinations.Spouse’s health will be good.Luck is not very favorable.There will be mental tensions, distress, pain, sleeplessness.


This week is not at all favorable. Harsh speech, irritation, temper mental issues, anger, irritation, ego to be controlled. Finance and money related issues will take a back seat. Huge expenditures, miscommunications will lead to problems. Unnecessary fights, discussions, disputes, argumentatives will give long lasting problems. Family life will be under stress and strain. Children will study well and lovers will have a good understanding and happiness between them. There will be mis understandings, ego clashes, fights between the couple. There will be a cordial atmosphere at work though there will be little disturbances and tensions at work place. Expenditures will be limited and there will be a good conjugal life between the couple.


Egoistic issues, temper mental issues play an important role which effect the relation with the spouse and at work. There will be a constant tension at work place and a major effort to please your superiors. Relations between family members and siblings will be tiring and a lot of effort should be there to maintain the relationships. Lovers will have some good time together and students will study well though an extra effort should be done by them to get success in the competitive exams. Health complications of wife, loans and problems with enemies will be persistent. Parents health will be a cause of concern Cordial relationship with spouse will suffer.


There are very good chances to face disgrace. Documentation, legal papers, money matters have to be checked before making any deals or buying any lands. Expenses will be high. There will be a lot of hard work at work place, without any fruitful results. There are very good chances to change a job or change of place. Stomach related issues, right eye, tensions and insomnia persist though out this week . Personal life will be disturbed and relationship with relatives, spouse and brothers  should be careful. 


It’s overall a very good week. Finances will be good, relationships will improve, there will be occasions, gatherings and functions at home. Slight arguments with siblings will be there but it can be sorted out with patience. Accident prone hence should be careful while driving vehicles. Lovers will have disturbances in their relationships and education of the kids suffer. Hasty nature, abusiveness, temper should be controlled. Spouse health will be good and a good time for business people to expand their business. There will be nerve related , spinal cord, kidney related health issues.Partnership will be good.


There will be a lot of hard work at workplace, which will eventually give desired results. Family life will be peaceful. There will be occasions at home. Financial and money matters will be good. Short distance travelling is seen regarding work which may not be very fruitful. Lovers and children will have a tough time. They have to work hard to maintain the relationship between them and need to study hard to clear their exams. Slight disturbances with the spouse will create tensions in marital life but will  sort out in a day or two. There are chances to acquire some inheritance. Partnership’s among business men will get good results.


Financial position will not be good. Expenses will be high. Even after working hard, desired results will not be there. There will be problems related to opponents, due to the harsh behavior or the hasty decisions taken, which will cause problems and opposition at work place. Anger and speech has to be controlled and relationship with the relatives and brothers will also be troublesome. Children will study well  and lovers also will have some time, There will be a profit through partnership and business will do well. There will be a healthy, happy relationship  with the spouse. 


Health will suffer. There will be injuries, accidents, cuts and bruises during this week. Money matters and finance will be a cause of concern. Relationship with siblings, relatives and mother will strain due to aggressiveness and hot temper. Children will cause trouble and lovers may get separated. Should be careful related to urinary tract, diabetes  and piles. Health may suffer a bit . Investments should not be done. Business will suffer and partners may create some problem. 


Health is the primary concern this week.Married life will be in tensions and troubles.Relationships with friends , illicit relationships will cause some troubles. Expenses will be high and finances will be a cause of concern. Relationship with the brothers and siblings will improve.Short journeys will be fruitful. Children will be good , lovers will have a good understanding between them. There will be loans, problems with opponents. There will be misunderstandings and arguments with wife. Work will be good. Conjugal life with wife suffers. 


Hard work will give good results. There will be arguments , fights with the opponents. There will be misunderstandings with the seniors at work. Finance and money matters  will be good. Family life , relationships will be good.Accident prone hence should be careful.Children will suffer in education. Lovers will face ego clashes and misunderstandings. There will be health issues to spouse, hospital visits  through this week. Conjugal life will suffer. Should be very careful with friends with bad intentions as it may cause trouble. 


Health will be good. There will be miscommunications with the relatives and friends. Relationship with the siblings will be good. Short journeys will be favorable. There will be lack of comfort at home. Mothers health will suffer. Children should  study well and work hard to pass in their exams. Business and relationship with partners will suffer. Investments shouldn’t be made as there may be losses . Work will suffer, time to be careful as there are  chances to change the present job or will have some conflicts at work. There will be slight arguments and fights between the couple , but they will comprise at the end. Luck will be good. 


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