

To  know whether KALASARPA is a YOGA or a DOSHA , we should first understand what is KALASARPA? Kalasarpa means that the planets should be between Rahu and Ketu, taking the placement of rahu as the starting point and its reverse movement. If we take both rahu/ketu, then if planets fall between ketu and rahu then also …


weekly predictions 1

weekly predictions

Weekly Predictions for the month of JUNE 23.6.2019-30.6.2019 Our weekly predictions are based mainly on the moon. The rest of the major planets are also taken in to consideration.  ARIES:  The debilitation of mars for this sign generally effects the overall personality of the native. Family, money matters will be good. There will be family …

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Mars is transiting from Gemini to Cancer

Mars is transiting from Gemini to Cancer

Mars is transiting from Gemini to Cancer on 22.6.2019 and will be here till 9.8.2019 Characteristics of Mars : Mars is a warrior by nature. He also denotes younger brothers, siblings, soldiers, assertion, aggressiveness, short temperament, hasty decisions, warrior, rules, military, accidents, violence, commanders, war, ambition, arguments, passion, strength, conflicts, leadership abilities, physical strength, forcefulness, …

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Weekly Predictions for the month of June from 16.6.2019-23.6.2019 2

Weekly Predictions for the month of June from 16.6.2019-23.6.2019

Our weekly predictions have been made considering the moon sign. Transit of  Major planets is also taken in to account.  During this week sun will be transiting from the Taurus sign to the Gemini sign giving mixed results to the native. relationships with the father and siblings will be a cause of concern. fathers health …

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